Material Mining in Barcelona

An interface that supports the identification of building materials (wood, metal, glass, brick, concrete) in the city of Barcelona.
#UrbanAnalytics #Dashboard #Interface

Analysing Footfall flows

Part of the analysis involved breaking down the footfalls data in Barcelona to understand the urban mobility patterns.
#DataViz #BigData #Mobility #Python #Cityscience

The Road Home

A platform that works with Blockchain technology and creates a dementia supportive city environment.
#DataViz #UrbanAnalytics #Mobility #BlockchainTechnology #Dementia


Liquicity appears as a way of interpreting the reflection of a liquid society in the city, in other words, the liquid city.
#UpCycling #Circularity #UrbanAnalytics #DataAnalysis #Housing #Densification


A studio project which examines mobility in the context of urban ‘play’ in the city of Barcelona.
#Covid #UrbanPlanning #DataAnalysis #Mobility #Infrastructure

Consumer Vulnerability

Understanding consumer's vulnerability in the Greater London area.

#Covid #UrbanPlanning #DataAnalysis #Mobility #Infrastructure


Mutualistic symbiosis driving back nature in the Greater London area.

#Nature #UrbanPlanning #DataAnalysis #Biodiversity #Infrastructure